me at week 11
Say goodbye to morning sickness and exhaustion: say hello to baby brain! It's a good idea to pop a pad and pen in my handbag so I can note things down, as many pregnant women find their brains get a little fuzzy at this stage especially if I’m not sleeping too well. Now that my placenta is fully formed, my body needs to send more oxygen to my womb. I find myself getting a bit breathless walking up stairs. This week is a good time to go shopping for maternity bras, as my boobs grow up to three cup sizes.
my baby at week 11
My baby is now looking more and more like a fully formed little human. They now have all the bones in their face, their ears are nearer where they're going to be, and they've developed a tongue and nasal passages. They're still tiny (about the size of a fig) so I won't feel those turning somersaults in my tummy just yet. My baby's tiny heart is well on its way to being finished, and their little lungs are starting to form now, too.
things to do in weeks 11
Now is a good time to organise my dating scan, which tells me when to expect mini-me's grand entrance. This scan can also tell me whether I’m expecting one baby or more. Some women are offered a nuchal translucency scan at 11 weeks; this special scan is called NT scan as well and can identify whether or not my little one has Down's syndrome. It's normal to feel a bit tired so don't be shy about taking a break when you want one.